Can I Be Treated at Midwest Pain Solutions After Joint Replacement?

A vast majority of the patients treated at Midwest Pain Solutions are those with chronic pain, or pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period. Many of these patients have put many miles on their bodies and are seeking care to avoid total joint replacements. However, some patients find their way into our clinic seeking care for joints that have already been replaced. While joint replacements have the ability to offer relief, the reality is that not all joint replacements are totally “successful” in that they don’t always result in a complete reduction in symptoms. 


Many patients will continue to experience pain following a joint replacement. Those with prolonged postoperative pain are associated with increased risks including slowing of the rehabilitation process and, in turn, delayed return to normal function and daily living.  


In fact, patient dissatisfaction following a total joint replacement is quite common. Only 20% of patients are satisfied with their total knee replacement because their expectations were unfulfilled following surgery with walking ability for mid to long distances, kneeling down, and squatting. 


The satisfaction rate of patients with total hip replacements is notably higher than those with knee replacements; however, hip replacements offer their own issues. Inequality of leg length following a hip replacement ranges anywhere from 1% to 50%. While this is perceived as a seemingly small issue, it opens the door for issues to arise in the pelvis and low back. 


In addition, scar tissue formation is especially common at the site of incision and where tissues were disturbed during surgery. Scar tissue is an alteration of the collagen matrix that makes up the fibers of our connective tissue. When disrupted, the collagen matrix becomes disorganized and results in a loss of function and mobility. As a result, this tissue is less malleable than healthy tissue resulting in stiffness in the associated areas. 


At Midwest Pain Solutions, we offer top-of-the-line treatment options for symptoms associated with total joint replacements. This includes scar tissue formation, leg length inequality due to pelvic obliquity, nerve pain from nerve damage, muscular trauma, and joint swelling. Our treatment with the high-intensity laser therapy is especially effective. In the short term, high-intensity laser therapy offers relief from acute pain, reduction in swelling, and increased blood flow. In the long term, high-intensity laser therapy helps with the regeneration of nerve function, cell growth and tissue repair, and scar tissue repair. We also address scar tissue using the extracorporeal shockwave therapy, which is a sound wave that helps break up and loosen scar tissue. 


If you are suffering from pain following a joint replacement, there is still hope! Call (920) 569-2350 today to schedule a free consultation. 


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