What is Chiropractic Care? Focused on the spine, chiropractic care uses an inside-out approach to relieve pain and promote proper physical function. Chiropractic adjustments involve the doctor carefully manipulating the spine and other joints to achieve optimal alignment, or in medical terms “realignment of joint subluxations.” Proper alignment of the spine is vital for optimal…
Read MoreWhat is Scar Tissue? Scar tissue is formed when normal tissue is destroyed. There are several ways in which patients develop scar tissue: major accidents, surgeries, and joint replacement therapies. The common cause is damage done to the body that required repair and rehab. And while scar tissue is your body’s way of healing a…
Read MoreAt Midwest Pain Solutions, we treat many patients who have chronic pain. Their lives are flipped upside down because of the pain they experience daily. Many don’t see the barriers that come with chronic pain: low energy levels, depression, restricted movement, and more. We do our absolute best to get patients back to feeling themselves…
Read MoreWe often find scar tissue is a major contributor to the chronic conditions we treat at Midwest Pain Solutions. There are several ways in which patients develop chronic scar tissue: major accidents, major surgeries, and joint replacement therapies. The common cause of them all was damage done to the body that required repair and rehab.…
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