All About HILT

HILT stands for High-Intensity Laser Therapy, which is our working horse here at Midwest Pain Solutions and was pioneered by our very own Dr. Curt Draeger.

Our high-intensity lasers are FDA-Cleared, non-invasive, and drug-free.


Understanding Laser Therapy

Some patients find it easier to understand laser therapy by comparing it to photosynthesis. During this process, plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy to fuel growth. In a similar manner, the body converts laser light energy into chemical energy to fuel cell growth and healing.



The light energy from our High-Intensity Laser Therapy stimulates healing within your body through a series of biological changes at a cellular level.

HILT helps the mitochondria in our cells heal faster than our bodies can do on their own. The HILT increases the energy and restores cellular functions which allows our bodies to heal faster and accelerate recovery, injury and even wound healing.

The effects of our laser also includes increasing cell growth, softening scar tissue, pain reduction in arthritis and neuropathies, modifying in levels of cytokines and inflammatory mediators, and increasing oxygen in tissue; which are all things our bodies need to heal.

Additionally, HILT has been used to save joints from needing surgery if there is still a sliver of cartilage left.


What better way than to give your body the tools it needs to heal naturally rather than using “band-aid” methods in hopes they take away only your symptoms?


HILT is an alternative to those methods, such as pain medication and injections that often are only masking symptoms temporarily. Getting to the root cause of an issue is the best approach to stop further damage and not let chronic pain go any further.

Midwest Pain Solutions has the most powerful therapeutic, high-intensity lasers on the market and are ready to help relieve your deep-tissue or joint pain.



Difference Between Cold Lasers and High-Intensity Laser Therapy

Both types of lasers are based on the same technology and science, but one is more powerful than the other. A lasers ability to penetrate depends on its wattage and how many cycles it can pulse every second. Cold lasers (or low-level laser) are meant to penetrate no more than an inch into tissue which allows for less heat to be distributed into the tissues, resulting the potential of an injury or chronic issue to not healing as well as it could.

Our high-intensity lasers at Midwest Pain Solutions allows us to penetrate to the depth of tissue that is actually damaged, resulting in a faster and more effective healing process.


Benefits of HILT

  • Speeds Tissue Repair and Cell Growth
  • Softens Scar Tissue
  • Relieves Pain
  • Resets Chronic Pain Cycles
  • Reduces Swelling
  • Improves Blood Flow
  • Improves Nerve Function


Some conditions that HILT benefits:

  • Neck, Back, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Feet pain
  • Arthritis
  • Neuropathy
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches
  • Plantar Facilities
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Neuralgia
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Learn more about our high-intensity laser therapy and how it can help your chronic pain by scheduling a no-cost consultation with Dr. Jackson Draeger. Call 920-569-2350 or visit

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